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Often, the Webmaster is asked to answer a simple constitutional question, or a simple constitutional question is posted to the Message Boards. Typically, the Webmaster or the message board regulars are loathe to answer such questions. Often, the fact that the question is being asked indicates that basic research has not been done, and we don't like doing basic research for people.

However, the Constitution can be a tough read, and sometimes, all you need is a little boost.

To that end, this page will present some Frequently Asked Questions about the Constitution and the government it establishes. Rather than give the answer to the FAQ, you will be told where to look to find the answer yourself.

What branch does Article 1 define?
See: Article 1
How many houses of Congress are there?
See: Article 1 Section 1
How old do you have to be to be a Representative?
See: Article 1 Section 2
How long must you have been a citizen to be a Representative?
See: Article 1 Section 2
How long is a Representative's term of office?
See: Article 1 Section 2
How is a vacancy in a seat in the House of Representatives filled?
See: Article 1 Section 2
How old do you have to be to be a Senator?
See: Article 1 Section 3
How long must you have been a citizen to be a Senator?
See: Article 1 Section 3
How long is a Senator's term of office?
See: Article 1 Section 3
How is a vacancy in a seat in the Senate filled?
See: Amendment 17
How many Senators does each state have?
See: Article 1 Section 3
What role does the Vice President serve in the Senate?
See: Article 1 Section 3
When is the only time that the Vice President can vote in the Senate?
See: Article 1 Section 3
How often does Congress have to meet?
See: Article 1 Section 4
Which is the only house of Congress that can propose a bill for raising revenue?
See: Article 1 Section 7
What are some of the powers the states cannot have?
See: Article 1 Section 10
What branch does Article 2 define?
See: Article 2
How old do you have to be to be President?
See: Article 2 Section 1
How long must you have been a citizen to be President?
See: Article 2 Section 1
How long is a President's term of office?
See: Article 2 Section 1
Who negotiates treaties and who approves them?
See: Article 2 Section 2
Who is Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy?
See: Article 2 Section 2
How often is the President required to present a state of the union address to Congress?
See: Article 2 Section 3
What branch does Article 3 define?
See: Article 3
How old do you have to be to be a judge?
See: Article 3 Section 1
How long must you have been a citizen to be a judge?
See: Article 3 Section 1
How long is a judge's term of office?
See: Article 3 Section 1
What is the constitutional definition of treason?
See: Article 3 Section 3
Changes added to the end of the Constitution are called what?
See: Article 5
How much of the Congress has to pass a constitutional amendment?
See: Article 5
How many states have to ask for an amendment convention?
See: Article 5
How many states have to ratify an amendment?
See: Article 5
How many states had to ratify the Constitution for it to go into effect?
See: Article 7
What was the first state to ratify the Constitution?
See: Timeline
How many articles are there in the Constitution?
See: The Table of Contents
What are the first ten amendments otherwise known as?
See: The Amendments
How many amendments to the Constitution have there been?
See: The Table of Contents
What is the shortest Amendment, in number of words?
See: It is one of the Bill of Rights
What is the only amendment to have been ratified and then repealed?
See: The Amendments
On what day must the Congress assemble?
See: The 20th Amendment
At least how many times per year must the Congress assemble?
See: The 20th Amendment
On what day does an elected president's term begin?
See: The 20th Amendment
How many times can a person be elected president?
See: The 22nd Amendment
How many maximum years can a person be president?
See: The 22nd Amendment
How many electoral votes does Washington, D.C. have?
See: The 23rd Amendment
Which house of Congress, and by what vote, is a replacement vice president confirmed?
See: The 25th Amendment

If you have any other basic constitutional questions that you think should appear on this list, let me know.

URL: //www.usconstitution.net/constfaq_fiy.html